Full Reopening of Old Parkonians Clubhouse & Grounds Update
19th July 21
To All Members,
I hope you and your families have been keeping safe. It's been a pleasure to see the members old and new back at the club over the last month or so......here is a long awaited update!
Throughout the pandemic, we’ve focused on making sure everyone can use the facilities in a safe environment to which I am proud to say has worked really well.
As government guidance on Covid-19 continues to change, I wanted to share an update on the safety measures we are adopting in the Clubhouse.
While the easing of restrictions means that some safety measures will no longer be a legal requirement, we’ve listened to our members and colleagues and we know a lot of people remain cautious. In line with the government advice to ‘act carefully’, we feel its important to continue with certain measures to be on the safe side.
Here is what we are doing to keep everyone safe. Covid-19 continues to grow exponentially, as you have seen in the media and as a result we have a duty to protect members, players, guests and our staff. The government recommends that people continue to wear masks in crowded and enclosed spaces. We are asking all members and guests to continue to wear masks whilst moving around inside the clubhouse and whilst ordering drinks at the bar. In addition, we are opening the bar and operating a one way system in place with no congregating at the bar for the time being. This is due to the reasons I mentioned earlier. We would kindly ask that you adhere to this request until further notice. You must now provide your own membership cards when purchasing drinks to receive your discount. Please speak to Steve if you haven't received your membership card as of yet. Remember, there is a fee of £1 for a replacement lost or stolen card.
As before, you will find sanitiser on tables and on the wall located around the Clubhouse.
Opening Times
Opening Hours will now change back to the usual hours of 12 midday until 12pm of a weekend (last orders at 11.30pm) however, this is subject to change if we have low numbers and this will be at the discretion of the bar committee (Chris Hall & Steve Murphy).
Weather permitting, you will now be able to use the outdoor seating area on both sides of the clubhouse. The Members Lounge will continue to be in use for members only but not for private hire for use with functions on the days we have members in the clubhouse (usually Sat & Sun).
Seating Arrangements
You may now sit with more than 6 people at the tables inside and outside the clubhouse.
The toilets are now re-opened indoors but the PPE (sanitary stickers) will stay in place for the time being.
House Rules
Although not legally required, we will still provide a register should you wish to sign in when you come into the club as part of the Test and Trace procedures. We will continue to display the NHS QR codes around the clubhouse for anyone wishing to check in.
We will also be continuing to use fogging equipment within the toilets and seating areas as and when needed to minimise the risk of infection. The fogging equipment kills Covid-19 within 30 seconds of contact. This has been kindly supplied by Approved PPE!
Please note, it is important to the directors and committee to keep you all safe whilst enjoying socialising and we are really grateful for your support and everything you’ve done to help keep each other safe. The staff are here to help and are working really hard in difficult circumstances to keep everyone safe, so please be respectful to them and patient.
Please continue to take tests if you feel unwell and do not come into the clubhouse.
Best Regards
Ken Cooke